Take a trip around our world and discover what is science. What makes things move to how your brain works. See how sci-fi becomes reality with a breathtaking tour of technology. Discover amazing engineering feats giant machines and why we use numbers and measuring skills without even realizing it. Checkout: How tiny atoms (and cells) build into big stuff, Nanomachines could repair brain cells, …
Teladan kita, Rasulullah SAW, ada;ah seorang manusia yang penuh kasih sayang. Kesopanan dalam berkata-kata dan kejujurannya sejak kecil membuat hari-hari bersama beliau diwarnai keberkahan. Orang-orang di sekelilingnya mencitai beliau karena menyampaikan ajaran kedamaian. Tapi, ada saja orang-orang yang tidak mau menerima islam karena ajaran nenek moyang lebih menguntungkan bagi mereka. Bagaima…
This is not your usual book! Among its pages you won't find long and complex descriptions, soaked with difficult words. Every piece of information, every scientific fact, will be within your reach at a glance thanks to the amazing infographics. The most complex mysteries of space have been summarized in a few words and are supported by charts and colourful illustrarions that make it interesting…
In this atlas of animals, children learn all about the wondergul world of animals throigh fifteen colour maps. Each maps introduces the variety of animals that inhabit that country of continent with lots of detailed illustrations. The maps are complemented by short and easily undertood texts that describe the landscape and climate of a region, the habitats of various creatures, and introduce sp…
How does a giant cruise ship keep upright? How do planes stay in the air? What are slick tyres? How big is an aircraft carrier? Find out this fun tour of modern machines. From cars and motorbikes to airliners. Submarines and roller-coasters. The firendly stickmen take you right inside the workings of... Formula One Cars, Jet Engines, Helicopters, Container Ships, Bucket-wheel Excavators, and ma…